Declutter your Mind to Unleash Creativity
- Manasi Lalwani, Senior Manager
The greatest freedom is to be free of your own mind- Osho
The Unbearable Burden of Mental Clutter
Philosophers have long surmised that the heaviest burdens are the ones we carry inside, within the endless wormholes of our mind. Our brain is a powerful force, and a potent breeding ground of boundless potential. And yet, instead of treating it like an exclusive club, which only permits entry to happy, constructive guests, we allow a staggering clutter of insignificant thoughts to flood our mental repository. Details which systematically and ceaselessly devour our energy while suffocating our ideas. These abstract burdens carry rather expensive extra luggage charges of keeping us isolated from wonderful opportunities while additionally triggering anxiety. A mind constantly agitated over unproductive thoughts, is a minefield of unrealized opportunities. And inevitably, a perpetual sense of despairing ennui takes over when our thoughts are held captive with unease over things beyond our control, or are languishing in a state of unrelenting limbo. The consequences of a chaotic mind far outweigh the pitfalls of a dishevelled physical environment. And the antidote for a congested mental universe, is often not as simple as organising a disarranged desk. The turbulence of overwhelming thoughts is interwoven so deeply in the very fabric of our psyche, that it's hard to get rid of it. Or even realise its parasitic existence.
Aftermath of a cluttered mind- A wasteland of mediocrity
This overwhelming combination of chaos and confusion is a volatile catalyst to continually propelling us in an abyss of mediocrity and repressed potential. Be aware that mental clutter is a seasoned jailer. It imprisons creativity and smothers innovative thoughts. How frustratingly often are we unable to find something when it's buried deep in a pile of debris? Have you ever wondered how often productive thoughts are unable to surface above the clutter of everything you have persistently accumulated in your mind? Even the brightest mind, when held hostage by futile thoughts, is the helmsman of an infuriatingly underwhelming life.
The potent impact of unweighing your mental burdens
Decluttering your mind hence becomes the key to two of the most elusive of life's pleasures- an entrenched sense of inner peace and unrestrained creativity. Only when you free a horse of his reins, can he run unbounded with unlimited possibilities. Untethering your mind from the fetters of inconsequential thoughts can open a pathway of hitherto untapped capabilities.
Hence, the art and science of decluttering your mind, and hitting the reset button every now and then is increasingly becoming the foundation of fully actualising and bolstering your creativity. It may be hard to not let superfluous musings creep into the crevices of your thoughts. But treating them like unwanted acquaintances who need to be rid of as soon as possible, and not permanent house guests, is a choice we have to make, consciously and continually.
Rehearse Decisiveness
The first step to unweighing your mental burdens is recognizing mental clutter for what it truly is- delayed decisions. Procrastination is a debilitating force that nurtures mental clutter. Practise the art of confident decision making, one small decision at a time. Gradually, with assertive and timely choices made, your inner baggage will get lighter.
Block a few minutes everyday for unadulterated and uninterrupted worrying
Sounds bizarre? It can actually be cathartic. If spiralling into anxiety happens to you frequently, don't suppress your thoughts. Because, as Oscar Wilde astutely observed, the soul tends to grow sick with longing for the things it represses. Calendar a few minutes everyday to give your mind the privilege of ruminating. If unabated anxiety creeps in earlier, remind yourself that you have scheduled some time for this very purpose. Limiting your brooding consciously to a fixed time is a great way of not letting your corrosive thoughts overtake your entire day.
Unplug. Reset. Restore
In the very wise words of Alan Cohen- “There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.” Creativity, when suffocated, can enter a comatose state. Alternately when nurtured with the calm still waters of an unshackled mind, has the potential of blooming into unimagined opportunities. One needs to be a curators of one's life, by taking inventory of our mental and emotional clutter, and getting rid of that which no longer serves us. When obsessive worry seeps in, allow yourself the luxury of letting your mind wander, away from what's bothering you. We often forget that love and creativity are intertwined. Take out time to do something you love. Not only is that an excellent stressbuster, but also a powerful creativity booster.
The Art of Letting Go- An Underrated Superpower
Most importantly, when things get overwhelming, don't forget to breathe and meditate. If your mind is swirling with thoughts, put them down on paper. And while doing so, imagine releasing the pressure on your mind. Once you have poured your thoughts on paper, they no longer reside inside you. They exist outside the confines of your mind, and hence have no power over you. Our thoughts reflect our reality. So it is imperative that we only nurture the positive ones. Inculcate the art of letting go of any thoughts which are weighing you down. Don't let memories of the past, or fear of the future mould the narrative of your present. Much like an active volcano needs to spew out lava before becoming calm again, our mind needs to eject toxic thoughts before it can become a fertile breeding ground for creativity.
Eliminate the cloud of unnecessary worry from your mind, to make space for sunlight to enter.
Words Have Magical Powers. That is why they are called “SPELLings”
On particularly difficult days, when all else fails, there is a powerful hack to calm your mind. Meaningful words can act as a soothing balm on an inflamed mind. I often rely on the infinite wisdom of of philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson when I need to put things in perspective :-
“Finish each day and be done with it,
You have done what you could,
Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can,
Tomorrow is a new day,
You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense”
Reading distracts the brain away from anxious thinking. So go ahead and read something meaningful for 5 minutes when mental clutter overwhelms you. The words written by minds far wiser than yours will instantly come to your rescue.
As I said earlier, words have magical powers…