The Triad for Integrated Marketing

Hello explorers! I hope you are all well in this time of uncertainty.

A tranche in the ceaseless world we call marketing fundamentally is the exchange of value. It consists of layers of functions working in tandem to create superior value for the consumers. Brilliant. The sheer scale also presents its caveats. Mainly irregularity and inconsistency in messaging impedes effective communication. So how do we take these discrepancies and create an efficient model out of them? That is where integrated marketing offers its services. It provides a model for creating marketing communications that bring regularity and consistency to our communication with with our consumers.

On that note, let's bring Customer segmentation into the fold. What is it? In order to find the people we want to target, we segment our customers. In general, there are four bases for segmenting our target group. Any seasoned marketeer or even a rookie will answer it perfectly. We classify our customers on the basis of- Demography, Psychography, Behavior, and Geography. Long have these been the golden words that are sacred to marketers. While coming up with a plan or designing approaches, we always look forward to creating segments in our population/audience. Now that we understand whom we are marketing to, we must determine when they will buy. Here is where the Innovation Adopter model comes to our rescue.

Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

Innovation Adopters: For the uninitiated, the Innovation Adopter model shows us the relation between people and innovation in various ideas. The Innovation adopter model tells us how our fellow humans interact with technology and innovation. There are five classifications for people who interact with the entity: the Innovators, the Early Adopters, the Early Majority, the Late Majority, and the Laggards.

Over the years, marketers have always been value finders and problem solvers. They identify whom they want to sell to and are able to figure out where that group will find them.

Here is what comes from the vision of enthusiasts. Consumers always have interacted with the product or service. What previously used to be about a product now has become about service. Which eventually now is the experience, in the triad of Who and When the when remains intact. But the digital world has changed the who. Now we select our consumers based on data. Their interaction with the experience we provide gives us insights into our consumers. In a world where segmentation is the prerogative of analytics, Integrated Marketing is the efficient navigator in these stormy seas. It uses data to gather insights to uniformly and efficiently communicate with the consumers.

In the simplest example, for digital, we create content. We then promote this content on social media and as e-mail newsletters. We run ads in traditional and non-traditional channels during peak business time to develop multiple consumer interaction channels. Working in this way creates awareness that resonates with the users. When our audience consumes the content and resonates with it, they advocate the brand making organic Word of Mouth marketing.

Think about it.

Until the next time, Be Safe. Keep Safe.

Neerav Soni


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